The process is competitive and applications are available on the BCCLS website early each year with interviews usually held in late March/early April and awards given in June. All library school students are encouraged to apply.
BCCLS is a 501(c)3 not for profit corporation and 100% of all money donated to the Scholarship Fund is used solely for students’ tuition. To date, BCCLS has awarded 134 scholarships totaling $166,500. The scholarship fund is fully self-sustaining through donations from Library Boards, librarians, Friends of Libraries, and the general public.
“We believe very strongly in growing our own”, said Robert White, former Executive Director of BCCLS for whom one of the scholarships has been named. “The BCCLS Scholarship helps future librarians pursue their Masters Degree and alleviates some of the financial hardship of tuition.”
To be eligible, an applicant must be enrolled in an ALA accredited library school at the time interviews are conducted and preference is given to those working at BCCLS libraries. Successful applicants must agree to work in a public library for two years after completion of the degree.
“By awarding these scholarships, BCCLS is encouraging people, many of whom already work in our libraries, to continue their education and grow in the profession,” Coughlin, former Executive Director of BCCLS, stated.
These awards were named in honor of Mary Joyce Doyle, the Director of Bergenfield Public Library (1974-1999) and a founding member of the BCCLS consortium as well as the impetus behind BCCLS Scholarship program.
The Arlene Sahraie Scholarship was established in 2017 to honor the many years of service of Arlene Sahraie on her retirement from the BCCLS Office in 2017.
Named for the BCCLS Manager of Computer Services (1987 – 2004) and recognized computer whiz, who passed away suddenly at an early age.
Named for Mary Lou Abrams, the Director of Paramus Public Library (1989 – 2000) and a founding member of the BCCLS consortium.
Provided by Jeremiah McGill, and named for his wife, the late Anne Sullivan McGill, devoted champions of the First and Fourth Amendments, and upholders of the Right of Patron Privacy.
Instituted by Jeremiah McGill and his late wife, Anne Sullivan McGill, and named for Michele Reutty who, while Director of the Hasbrouck Heights Free Public Library, championed patron privacy rights and the Library Code of Ethics.
Named for Patricia Anne Loughnane, the long-term Administrative Assistant and Office Manager of the BCCLS Office (1989 – 2016). Pat passed away suddenly in 2016, and the memorial scholarship was established that same year.
Named for Robert W. White, the long-term Executive Director of BCCLS Office (1986 – 2015), the scholarship was established in the year of his retirement from BCCLS in 2015 to celebrate his career and was made a memorial scholarship after he passed away in 2016.
Named for some of the deceased Trustees of various BCCLS libraries who had been instrumental in establishing BCCLS as a consortium and built BCCLS to the successful cooperative that it is today.
Since 2002, the BCCLS Scholarship program, the Mary Joyce Doyle Scholarship Awards, has helped defray the cost of tuition for worthy scholarship recipients pursuing MLS and MLIS programs.
If you prefer to pay by check, please send your check, payable to BCCLS Scholarship Fund, to
ATTN: BCCLS Scholarship Fund
21-00 Route 208 South, Suite 130
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Make a purchase at the Metropolitan Plant & Flower Exchange valued at $50 or more and Metropolitan will donate $10 to the BCCLS Scholarship Fund. Download the form and present it at the time of purchase.
78 Public Libraries in NJ’s Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Passaic Counties